
Acupuncture is a complete and holistic medical system. Our practitioners of acupuncture will use this noninvasive medical system to diagnose and help you get well and stay healthy. Placing fine, sterile needles at specific acupoints on the body activates the body's Qi and promotes natural healing, enhancing recuperative power, immunity, physical and emotional health. Acupuncture is a safe, p... Read More

Acupuncture is a complete and holistic medical system. Our practitioners of acupuncture will use this noninvasive medical system to diagnose and help you get well and stay healthy. Placing fine, sterile needles at specific acupoints on the body activates the body's Qi and promotes natural healing, enhancing recuperative power, immunity, physical and emotional health. Acupuncture is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical concerns. Regular acupuncture checkups are helpful to identify, rebalance and correct little problems before they become bigger ones. Acupuncture is a great compliment to your Registered Massage Therapy treatments.

Massage Therapy

Our Registered Massage Therapists are trained to evaluate your individual health needs and address your soft tissue and musculoskeletal concerns. Massage therapy is an effective approach to managing pain and injury, improving muscle strength, joint movement as well as improving sleep and quality of life. Registered Massage Therapy is effective in reducing the effects of anxiety and stress. R... Read More

Our Registered Massage Therapists are trained to evaluate your individual health needs and address your soft tissue and musculoskeletal concerns. Massage therapy is an effective approach to managing pain and injury, improving muscle strength, joint movement as well as improving sleep and quality of life. Registered Massage Therapy is effective in reducing the effects of anxiety and stress. Registered Massage Therapy is a great compliment to your to all other health therapies.

⭐️ Please note that as of December 1st 2022 our rates will be changing as follows

60min ----> 120
45min -----> 95
30min ------> 70

All Prices are subject to GST


As musculoskeletal (MSK) experts, chiropractors provide qualified, effective treatment to promote health, alleviate pain and improve your quality of life. Chiropractors focus on your MSK system and treat the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and connective tissues that you use every day. The MSK system supports your weight, provides physical stability, enables you to move... Read More

As musculoskeletal (MSK) experts, chiropractors provide qualified, effective treatment to promote health, alleviate pain and improve your quality of life.

Chiropractors focus on your MSK system and treat the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and connective tissues that you use every day. The MSK system supports your weight, provides physical stability, enables you to move your body, and protects your vital organs. Your MSK system connects directly to other vital systems in your body, which is why medical professionals, researchers and the health community at large trust the spine care expertise of chiropractors to assess, diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and injuries. For optimal health and quality of life, a chiropractor should be part of every Canadian’s healthcare team.

Dr. Juan Huang, Ph.D. Reg. Dr. TCM., Acupuncture, and Herbology

Dr. Juan Huang has received her PH.D. in internal medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), at Beijing University of TCM and Pharmacology, Beijing, China. She has 28 years of clinical experience both in China and Canada, including 13 years practicing both at Guixi municipal Hospital( Jiangxi province, China ) and Dongzhimen Hospital which is the affiliated hospital of Beijing University of TCM and Pharmacology (Beijing, China) and 15 years practicing Academy of Classical Oriental Science and Calgary college of Acupuncture and TCM Outpatient Clinic(Nelson B.C. and Calgary AB). She has successfully treated many difficult diseases in internal medicine, gynecology and male disease, such as acute and chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Emphysema, Pulmonary Heart disease, arrhythmia , coronary heart disease, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Digestive ulcer, Colitis, Depression, Stroke, ADD, Fatigue, Pain management, Traumatic injury, Restless legs, Cancer, abdominal bloating, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Dupreten’s Contracture(tendon’s contraction), Biliary Cirrhosis, anemia, Hypothyroidism, Menstrual disorders, PMS, Menopausal syndrome, and male sterility etc. with acupuncture and herbal medicine in both China and Canada. Dr. Huang has 20 years of teaching experience both in China and Canada. She has been principle instructor at Academy of Classical Oriental Science in Nelson B.C. for 13 years and at Calgary college of Acupuncture and TCM for 3 years. She has taught a broad range of courses from Diagnosis, Acupuncture therapeutics, Herbology, Formula, internal medicine, external medicine, gynecology, Pediatric and classic courses etc. She also has teaching experience at TCM College in Vancouver. Dr. Huang was a highly esteemed lecture at the Capital Medical University (Beijing) and Qualified instructor that private Career Training Institutions Agency (PCTIA ) in B.C. has issued. She has numerous articles published in academic Chinese medicine journals. Now Dr. Huang is seeing patients at Metro integrated health Clinic. She is also teaching and supervising in the student’s clinic at Pacific Rim College.

Dr. Juan Huang, Ph.D. Reg. Dr. TCM., Acupuncture, and Herbology Dr. Juan Huang has received her ... Read More

Matthew is a graduate from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy, and from the final class of the prestigious 7-term program. Matthew uses an integration of Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Isolytic Release, Trigger Point Therapy and Athletic Taping in his practice. Matthew’s treatments are specialized to the client’s individual needs with intention to promote ongoing health and wellness.

Matthew is a graduate from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy, and from the final class of... Read More

Dr. Parenteau is a National Board Certified chiropractor in both the United States and Canada. He practiced in Santa Rosa, California from 2002 until 2007 when he moved his family to the most health concious and beautiful city in the world: Victoria, B.C. Dr. Parenteau was born in Sorel, Québec and grew up partly in Victoria, B.C. He is fully bilingual in French and English and is the author of a monthly health column for the “Société francophone de Victoria.” Dr. Parenteau is an accomplished speaker who has taught low back health and headache classes at the University of Victoria’s Continuing Studies Department.

Dr. Parenteau's love of athletics has had him work as head medical supervisor for the Maria Carillo high school wrestling program from 2004 to 2006 in Santa Rosa, California. He was also the head medical supervisor for the 2004 and 2005 North Coast Section California Wrestling Championships. Dr. Parenteau draws upon his vast experience and all of the tools available to him in order to help patients to overcome their physical problems.

Dr. Parenteau is a National Board Certified chiropractor in both the United States and Canada. He... Read More

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